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Golden Mend Wellness & Counseling, LLC (GMWC) is a mental health agency whose mission is to support participants along their wellness journey through the provision of compassionate, collaborative, and competent therapeutic relationships, services, and spaces.

Our Core Values:

Autonomy:  GMWC fosters and honors participants' rights to self- govern, viewing ourselves as supportive resources for the wellness journey and for those motivated to implement change. 
Collaborative:  GMWC knows that change is both challenging and possible within the context of safe, competent, and collaborative relationships.
Curiosity:  GMWC encourages participants to be curious about themselves, their experiences, and strategies for improving quality of life.
Education:  GMWC believes that acquiring knowledge is an important antecedent to both understanding and reshaping experiences.
Holistic:  GMWC team members seek to understand a person within the context of their wholeness, through taking into account mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, intergenerational, and environmental factors when co-exploring change strategies. 
Movement: GMWC is intentional about incorporating movement, when appropriate, and as a strategy for managing mental/ physical health symptoms.
Presence:  GMWC strives to promote a workplace culture that allows for our team members to live present-centered lives and provide present-centered services.

GMWC seeks to ensure a safe space for individuals of all races, ethnicities, documentation statuses, gender identities, sexual orientations, faith traditions, and disability statuses, to be curious about themselves, their lived experiences, and their healing journey.